
How Do I Edit or Delete a Locked Booking?

If you are collaborating with someone in another organization on an itinerary, the bookings you create and the bookings they create both have the ability to be locked.


Why do we allow you to lock bookings?

We are protecting the bookings you create. We're also protecting the bookings created by your collaborator.

The person who creates the booking decides what can be edited or deleted.


More on collaboration here.


In the screenshot below, all of the bookings are LOCKED.



Ask your collaborator if they will unlock a booking from their side. Make sure it is okay to delete or edit a booking.


The collaborator can unlock one booking one at a time by clicking on the lock icon.



They can also unlock all bookings by clicking the UNLOCK ALL link on the right side menu.



The bookings below are all UNLOCKED and are editable. 



If the collaborator is unable to unlock a booking, please send an email to

  • Let us know that you have permission from the collaborator to unlock your booking(s) and that you can edit or delete the booking(s).
  • Share the Axus itinerary you're working on by copying/pasting the link from your browser.
  • If you just need a few bookings unlocked, give us a specific title and date for those locked bookings.
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