Travelers & Mobile App
- Countdown Timer for Itineraries
- Light Mode vs. Dark Mode on App
- Eventseeker
- Advisor View on Mobile
- Staff Traveler vs. Regular Traveler
- All Itineraries Web View Link
- Advisor Contact Inside Mobile App
- Why don’t my clients see the updates in their mobile app?
- How can I change the App Credentials on my mobile app? (IOS and Android)
- Can I disable in-app messaging from travelers?
- Why can't my travelers open their additional documents in their AXUS mobile app?
- Why do my travelers see two logos?
- How do I attach travelers to an itinerary? (Video)
- How do I send an itinerary to my traveler’s mobile device?
- How will my clients receive the link to download AXUS Travel App?
- How will I know when my traveler has downloaded the mobile app?
- How can I send an itinerary to my own device, but not have my name appear on the itinerary Web View and PDF?
- How will my travelers know when I make a change to their itinerary?
- How do I send and receive messages with my travelers using the app?
- What happens to an itinerary in the app after the traveler returns from his or her trip?