Add a COVER PHOTO to to your itinerary or a specific booking type.
Add multiple images to your bookings within your itinerary. All added images will pull through into an image carrousel on the Web-view version of the itinerary. Only the first image will pull onto the PDF and the mobile app.
To add a collaged type photo, we recommend sites like PhotoJoiner or Canva.
These sites are excellent tools to help you create collage images that are one downloadable image file, used to represent your itinerary (via the GEAR icon "Edit Itinerary") or a single booking.
Unsplash is a great site to find "freely usable images." Just be careful as the photos may be quite large. (It would be good to have some type of photo editor where you can reduce the image size.)
You can also create a great a collage with text and photos.
Go to
Go to FILE.
Create new design.
Custom Dimensions.
750 by 300 pixels.
(You want the collage you’re creating to look like shoebox sized image.)
Go to UPLOADS on the left hand side menu.
Click the UPLOAD AN IMAGE OR VIDEO button.
Click on the image to bring it over to your template.
Adjust the images to make them fit on your header.
Go to TEXT on the left hand side menu.
Choose a text template.
(They’ve incorporated different font types to make the words pop.)
Click on the text to bring it over to your template.
Adjust the text.
(You can adjust the line and word spacing.)
Go to your itinerary in Axus.
Click the GEAR icon to edit the itinerary.
Upload your collage and SAVE.
Go to the WEB VIEW to see your itinerary and make adjustments if necessary.
View this advanced training video on how to create a collage in Canva
[minute mark 0:48]
Go to
Head to COLLAGE.
Click on the COLLAGE MAKER button.
You'll see four easy steps of how to create a collage.
Choose how many photos you want in your collage.
Choose horizontal.
We recommend a 2:1 ratio.
Go to Collage.
Choose 3.
Go to Custom.
Adjust to the recommended size for Axus. (750 by 300 pixels)
Click the APPLY button.
(You'll see a rectangular/horizontal perspective.)
The next step is to grab images.
If you have images saved to your desktop, click the + ADD IMAGES in the top right corner within PhotoJoiner.
To upload the photos, highlight the images and click OPEN.
(The images will appear on the right side.)
Drag and drop the images one by one into each space.
Once you have a photo in each box, click SAVE.
It will show you a preview of the collage.
Right click SAVE IMAGE AS or choose the DOWNLOAD PHOTO button.
Go to Axus and find your itinerary.
(You don't need to click inside the itinerary, since you're just editing the image at the itinerary level.)
Click the GEAR icon to edit the itinerary.
Upload your collage and SAVE.
Go to the WEB VIEW to see your itinerary and make adjustments if necessary.
View this advanced training video on how to create a collage in PhotoJoiner
[minute mark 17:25]
Photo Library where you can save your own photos
Text fields are meant for text only content. If you embed a picture into one of these fields, it could cause issues generating the itinerary on the client perspective.
We recommend keeping image links tied to the image designated section of the booking.
If you want to show multiple photos of a resort via the mobile app, embed a hyperlink in the notes section of a hotel booking that will link them to a picture album on the resort website.