
How do I find past trips for a traveler?

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If you want to search for a traveler's past itineraries...

Go to TRAVELERS in the top menu

Find the traveler by going to the first letter of the person's last name.

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Go to the corresponding three dots on the far right.

From the three dot menu, select VIEW ITINERARIES.

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Here are itineraries for the specific traveler.

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Click the ARCHIVED button.

Change the first date box to a date that is further in the past.

Click the APPLY FILTER button.

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You can also click on the traveler's box that's listed in the Add Travelers/Staff line of the title box.

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Within the EDIT TRAVELER box, go to the bottom left corner and click the VIEW ALL ITINERARIES link.

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Here you will be able to see a WEB VIEW history of that traveler's trips.

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