
Itinerary Tags for Searching/Filtering



You can search for past/present/future itineraries using our itinerary search tag concept.  We provide you 3 fields under the edit itinerary button (gear icon):

1. City/region

2. Country

3. Miscellaneous


If you type in search tags into these fields you will then be able to search by those search tags/terms to help track down specific trips.  You can have multiple itinerary search tags entered into the fields under the edit itinerary button, for example.  Under the City/Region field you could key in : Barcelona, Madrid, Mallorca   or under the Miscellaneous field you could have: xyz dmc, honeymoon, $$$.


*the search will only search through the date range of itineraries that you have set on your filters, to search past trips please make sure to adjust the date range to include a start date in the past from the time period you are searching.

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