
How to add bookings into your AXUS itinerary

There are 3 easy ways to add booking information into your AXUS Itinerary.

*This article will focus on item number 1, Create. 

  1. Create 
  2. Assign (more information can be found HERE)
  3. Import (more information can be found HERE)  

From within the itinerary, booking segments can be added under your Bookings section:

When no bookings have yet been added under a date header, select the + New Booking icon


When existing bookings have been added under a date header, select the 3 dots icon and select to add the new booking either above or below the existing booking


Here you will find all 8 booking categories:


The following videos will take you through a sample itinerary and show step by step how we can build an itinerary using the various booking categories. 

*Click on a booking category (AIR, HOTEL, CONCERIGE, etc) to view the video, support articles are also available below

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