
Adding Ports of Call to a Signature Cruise

Ports of Call can be added to an already imported Signature Cruise in two places (Client Base OR AXUS)

1) Client Base - simply add the Cruise Offer ID under the field labeled "Promo ID" This can be found under the cruise reservation in the res card. The next import will bring over the ports of call to an existing AXUS itinerary. Note: the Client Base import must be connected for the details to pull through to AXUS

2) AXUS - starting in the AXUS itinerary, click on the cruise booking. Within the edit window scroll down past Embarkation details to find "Add Signature Ports" 

Note: you will need to "Stop Client Base Import" for the cruise booking in order to add the cruise offer ID in AXUS

Here you will enter the Cruise Offer Id and click SAVE. 

Both locations will pull over: an image and description for the port of call, along with the destination guides associated with the Cruise Offer Id. 


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